速報APP / 醫療 / Fundamentals of Nursing Quiz With 5000 Q

Fundamentals of Nursing Quiz With 5000 Q



檔案大小:6.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Fundamentals of Nursing Quiz With 5000 Questions Free(圖1)-速報App

This Fundamentals of Nursing Quiz With 5000 Questions Free App is Designed to help you for the best practice and preparation for your Examination.

You can get the best practice before your exam with huge number of questions which covered all the topics of your syllabus with this App.

This Single App covers Questions for all of the Following Nursing Exams .

* Fundamentals of Nursing.

* Maternal and Child Health Nursing.

* Nursing Leadership & Management.

Fundamentals of Nursing Quiz With 5000 Questions Free(圖2)-速報App

* Medical-Surgical Nursing.

* Mental Health & Psychiatric Nursing Exams.

* Comprehensive Exams.

* Nursing Licensure Exam(NLE).



App Features:

Fundamentals of Nursing Quiz With 5000 Questions Free(圖3)-速報App

* 5000+ Randomly generated Multiple Choice Questions for all Nursing Exams.

* You can choose and Practice the Quiz from 12 different types of Quiz Models.

* You can Practice the Questions anywhere and anytime even with out Internet Connection.

* Depends up on your quiz this app automatically counts your number of Weak & Strong questions in the taken Quiz.

* You have an ultimate option to bookmark the questions which you are interested to look after.

* You can also share a particular question with friends through social network like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, WhatsApp, etc....

* You have timer option available for each quiz , You can see the total time after completion of your QUIZ.

Fundamentals of Nursing Quiz With 5000 Questions Free(圖4)-速報App

You are welcome to give us feedback for the app at hariv@knowledgeocean.org

All the very best for passing your exams.

Note: This app is not created or endorsed by Nursing Publishers.

Fundamentals of Nursing Quiz With 5000 Questions Free(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad